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Dischidia ovata 'watermelon' (terrarium/houseplant)

Dischidia ovata 'watermelon' (terrarium/houseplant)

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Dischidia watermelon, also known as Dischidia ovata 'Watermelon', is a captivating and unique plant that brings a touch of tropical charm to any indoor space. This epiphytic plant belongs to the milkweed family (Apocynaceae) and is native to Southeast Asia, including countries like Thailand and Malaysia.The Dischidia watermelon gets its name from its intriguing foliage, which bears a striking resemblance to miniature watermelons. Its succulent leaves are round and fleshy, with a glossy texture that mimics the rind of a watermelon. The leaves have a vibrant green coloration, adorned with lighter green markings and intricate silver-white veins that further enhance their visual appeal.This trailing plant typically grows as a vine, producing long, slender stems that can reach lengths of several feet. It is an excellent choice for hanging baskets or as a cascading accent on shelves or in planters. As it grows, it tends to develop a dense and trailing habit, creating an eye-catching display of foliage.In addition to its charming appearance, the Dischidia watermelon is known for its interesting growth habit. It has specialized structures called "water-storage domatia" on the undersides of its leaves. These structures create a unique symbiotic relationship with ants, which help protect the plant and provide nutrients in exchange for shelter.Caring for the Dischidia watermelon is relatively easy. It thrives in bright, indirect light, making it ideal for locations near a window with filtered sunlight. It prefers well-draining soil and requires regular watering, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. It is recommended to use lukewarm water to prevent shocking the plant. As a tropical plant, it appreciates moderate to high humidity levels, making it a great addition to terrariums or bathrooms.Overall, the Dischidia watermelon is a delightful plant that combines unique aesthetics with ease of care. Its distinctive watermelon-like leaves and trailing growth habit make it a fantastic choice for plant enthusiasts looking to add a touch of whimsy to their indoor spaces.


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